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April 03, 2016

The Best Nutrients to Help you Focus

It's probably not as bad as my dog and ... Squirrel! But you have days where you just... can't... focus. You know you should be knocking down your "to-do" list but instead of checking off items 1-10, you start item 1, then check your Facebook. Then you make a cup of coffee, and start to work on item 2, because you forgot about item 1. Then you think about how item 1 would go much faster if you had a cleaner office. Then, yes, even CLEANING sound more attractive than doing what you set out to do. You stop cleaning and start reading, but you can only make it through one line before you have to re-read it, because you CAN NOT grasp the words on the page. Even if you could, you'd have trouble remembering it. The good news is, you might just need a little "oomph" in your diet! High quality nutrition can help with focus, memory, and decision making. Diagnosed with full-blown ADD? Nutrition becomes even more important. Here's our top picks, why you need them, and how to get them!

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March 29, 2016

5 Reasons You Need to Know About 5-HTP

There's a phenomenon in the Midwest that only happens when the seasons change from cold to warm. The grass and cornfields are brown and the snow seems to be fading away (but occasionally shows up after a few warmer days just to taunt all of us infected with cabin fever). All of the sudden it's 45 degrees and we want to wear flip flops and short sleeves so badly that we abandon our coats and socks and don't look back. The cold stings, but we're SO over winter that we don't think twice. Frostbite matches our pedicure, so figure your life out, Mother Nature. And since you and I most likely have a job, or school, or family that keeps us from going on spring break for months at time (*dream life*) let me introduce you to our best kept secret, 5-HTP, and why it can help you round the corner to spring with grace, ease, and pep in your step!

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March 20, 2016

Wildly Affordable Ways to (Naturally) Tame Allergies

You're on fire!!! Ok, not literally, but that's what the inside of your body feels like when you have a constant battle with allergies. If you tend to get sinus pressure, watery eyes, and that lovely drainage in your throat come spring time you might think of it more like a faucet that can't be shut off. Whether you feel more like a faucet or a fire, the problem has a real name, and that name is... inflammation. So what can you do RIGHT NOW (and au-natural) to tame the flames that leave you with red eyes and running noses? Help is on the way!

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March 15, 2016

Naturally Boost Your Energy: How Nutrition Can Make You a Well Oiled Machine

Are you tired? Most people (especially parents of small children) laugh when I ask this. Most people have a lull at some point in the day, but what if you could wake up easier or push through the afternoon slump without that extra cup of coffee? Knowing these natural ways to make your body a clean, mean, energy making machine could seriously stop your fatigue in its tracks. 
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March 07, 2016

What the Top 5 Rx Meds Are Doing to Your Body

I don't hate drugs. Drugs can be great (she says as every pot head giggles...) but even a tiny tylenol doesn't work without consequence in your body. Over 70% of Americans are on prescription drugs (even kids on prescriptions are on the rise), and over half of people 65+ take more than 3 medications a day. Let me fill you in on how the top 5 prescription medications affect your body, and how to stay healthy while you take them. 

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February 23, 2016

Debunking Your Thyroid: Could This Be You?

"I think I'm losing my mind." -- is what I heard from a patient last week. She's not losing her mind, but something is definitely going haywire and all signs point to one thing: her thyroid. Until recently, the thyroid gland hasn't gotten much press time, but if healthcare had its own twitter it would be a #trendingtopic every damn day. So what's a thyroid? Why is it so important? Why can it make you feel INSANE when it gets wacky? Let us fill you in.

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February 16, 2016

Mindful Nutrition: What Makes a Quality Supplement?

Being mindful is great because it's is so... inclusive! We need to be mindful to make sure this one body we have for our entire life (you only get one... remember that) does the best that it can, for as long as it can. A smarty pants like you, who is very mindful about the things you're putting in, on, and around your body, is often the exact same person taking nutritional supplements. You've read enough to know that you probably aren't getting the nutrients you need regularly, which is why we need to talk about supplements. Why do I need them? How do I tell which ones will work? Ok, but specifically, GIVE ME THE DEETS!

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February 09, 2016

Mindful Eating: From Fast Food to Plant Based

Do you remember the last time you dined out at a new restaurant and had that overwhelming feeling that your meal actually met your expectations? Do you ever remember analyzing a menu and thinking that you wanted to order all of it? Every mouthwatering appetizer, main course, and dessert? After you finally made a decision and placed an order, have you waited patiently for the kitchen to chop, slice, mix, sauté, and boil the ingredients into a meal? When the dish is placed between your fork and knife do you imagine all the time, power, and love that has been put into every facet of this life sustaining “food stuff?”

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February 02, 2016

Scarcity vs. Abundance: 5 Ways to Shift Your Mindset

Have you ever met this person: The one that has everything and shares nothing? A person with all the knowledge in the world, but unwilling to mentor... a person with all the time in the world, but unwilling to help for 10 seconds... a person unwilling to ask for help out of fear that they'll (OH NO) not be the BEST. This is your friend (or frenemy) that has a scarcity mindset. Part of being mindful (our goal this month... and forever), is being aware of your mindset. If you have plenty of worldly possessions, a roof over your head, and food to eat, then these 5 steps of shifting from a scarcity to abundance mindset are for you.

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January 26, 2016

A Pageant Queen's 5 W's of Wellness

Fitness Freaks! Exercise Enthusiasts! Wellness Warriors! Do you have any other things I can yell? My patients and students tell me I get a little too excited about health and wellness, but let's just say, those are my people. I have found my "tribe" and what excites me. I need to tell you my 5 W's of Wellness, but first thing's first. I know health can be overwhelming for a lot of people, but

(shhh... don’t tell anyone)

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